فهرست مطالب

نشریه مطالعات تقریبی مذاهب اسلامی (فروغ وحدت)
پیاپی 11 (بهار 1387)
- تاریخ انتشار: 1387/01/01
- تعداد عناوین: 18
صفحه 6
صفحه 9تفرقه و جدایی بین مسلمانان از دیرباز مسئلهای جدی و پر اهمیت بوده است و عدهای همواره برای تالیف قلوب پیروان آخرین دین آسمانی جهد و تلاش فراوان نمودهاند که از آن جمله میتوان به بزرگمردانی که در این مقاله بدانها پرداخته شده است اشاره نمود. این رادمردان در این راه سترگ اقدام به مسافرتها، مباحثه ها، تالیفها و مجاهدتهای فراوانی نمودهاند و مجموعهای از دستورالعملها و افکار مؤثر و مفید در راستای این هدف ارائه کردهاند و دیگران را نیز به سوی این رفتار نیکو فرا خواندهاند و تنها راه نجات مسلمانان را وحدت کلمه و جمع شدن تحت یک رایت دانستهاند. این نوشتار به بررسی زندگی، آثار و اندیشه های شش نفر از این طلایهداران تقریب بین مذاهب اسلامی میپردازد که در این شماره شخصیت علامه اقبال لاهوری موضوع این بررسی است.
کلیدواژگان: وحدت، تقریب، مشکلات جهان اسلام، طلایه داران و بزرگان تقریب، راهکارهای وحدت -
صفحه 40یکی از بزرگترین عالمان و اندیشمندان جهان اسلام، که تمام عمر خود را وقف کسب علم و دانش اسلامی نموده و در جهت ترویج و ترقی افکار و آموزه های دینی (در شاخه های مختلف آن) گام اساسی برداشته است و در این راه از هیچ تلاش و کوششی دریغ نورزید، امام عزالدین بن عبدالسلام سلمی است. او در سال577ه (یا به روایتی،578ه) در شهر دمشق متولد شد و در سال660ه وفات یافت. وی، از جمله فقی هانی است که نگاهی مقاصدی به احکام شریعت اسلامی داشته و در همین راستا کتابی موسوم به «قواعد الاحکام فی مصالح الانام» تالیف نموده است. این کتاب، به بیان مسائل مربوط به مقاصد احکام و مصالح و مفاسد آن میپردازد. این نوشتار پس از بررسی مختصر زندگی، آثار و اندیشه های عزالدین بن عبدالسلام به گزارشی از کتاب قواعدالاحکام فی مصالح الانام میپردازد.
صفحه 46
صفحه 56رسم الخط ویژه قرآن کریم که از آن با عنوان «رسمالمصحف» یاد میشود، علاوه بر اینکه یکی از علوم قرآنی مصطلح محسوب میشود، به جهت ارتباط مستقیمی که با متن و نگارش کلام الهی دارد، عموم مسلمانان نیز در مرحله آموزش، قرائت و مراجعه به قرآن با آن مواجه میشوند و بر این اساس سؤالات و شبهاتی در ارتباط با آن مطرح میکنند. مقاله حاضر پس از بیان مختصر تاریخچه کتابت قرآن، به ارائه تعریف رسمالمصحف و پیشینه بهکارگیری آن در کتابت قرآن پرداخته است و به بیان دیدگاه علمای اسلام در ارتباط با شبهاتی می پردازد که در مورد رعایت قواعد آن در نگارش کلام نورانی خدای متعال مطرح گردیده است و آن گاه قواعد اساسی رسمالمصحف بیان می گردد.
کلیدواژگان: قرآن، کتابت قرآن، رسمالمصحف، رسمالخط قرآن، قرائت قرآن -
صفحه 96
صفحه 104
Page 14Abiding by ethics is a praised personality trait at any time, regardless of religious tendencies, and is a necessity for the mankind. Meanwhile, no one denies the fact that the entire divine faiths, including Islam, encourage abidance by ethical norms, consideringit the means for achieving blessed life in this world and eternal salvation in the Hereafter through proximity with Almighty Allah and His Divine Will. Thus, knowing that the matter is encouraged both by innate nature of the mankind, and by divine religions, ifan individual is an acting follower of a divine faith, his abidance by ethics should be twice as strong. That is because the religious teachings guide the pious to lead blessed lives (including observing exalted ethical values) and to rid themselves of the entire wretchedpersonality traits. Since man has a multilateral personality, ethical value systems, too, need to be applicable in entire dimensions and
Page 26The present article is an introduction to Volume One of the Encyclopedia of Comparative Jurisprudence, compiled by Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi. The worthy work has unique characteristic since no other author has so far compiled a work with the below mentioned qualities. This innovative Persian language encyclopedic work has privileges that enable the theology university students, as well as scholars, to take advantage of it quite easily. The article focuses in details on such qualities of the worthy work. Theauthor thanks Mohammad-Sadeq Ardalan for cooperation with him in compiling the first four chapters of the article
Page 40One of the greatest Islamic World Alims and thinkers who dedicated his entire life to acquiring Islamic sciences and then took long and basic strides and spared no effort in spreading Islam and development of religious thoughts in various fields is Imam Ezzeddin bin-Abdussalam Selmi. He was born in the year 577 AH (Lunar Calendar) – or as some historians have recorded in 578 – in Damascus and died in 660. He was among those sources of jurisprudence that have an eye on major intentions of the Islamic faith, which was why he wrote a book titled Qawaed ul-Ahkam fee Masaleh ul-Aman.Thanks to its frank and to the point tone of speech on glorious Islamic teachings – both on jurist verdicts and on expediency and causes of corruption – the book is in fact the essence of Islamic jurisprudence. After taking a glance at Ezzeddin bin-AbdussalamSelmi's prolific life and precious works, the author presents a comprehensive introduction to his book Qawaed ul-Ahkam fee Masaleh ul-Aman in this article.
Page 56The special calligraphies employed in recording the Glorious Quran are in general referred to as Rasm ul-Moshaf. Studying such styles of calligraphy is not only considered one of the related fields in Quranic sciences, but also since they are directly related to the text and recording of the divine Book, the entire acting Muslims are encountered with themduring learning, recitation and referring to Quran. Therefore, quite naturally, there are often questions, and at times ambiguities related to such calligraphy styles.In this article after presenting a brief history on recording the Holy Quran, the author defines Rasm ul-Moshaf and the background of employing it in recording the Book. He has then tried to answer the most important ambiguities related to it and referred to the viewpoints of prominent Islamic Alims on the need to abide by certain rules and regulations in inscribing the illuminating words of Almighty Allah (SWT). The article ends with a list of the major rules and regulations of Rasm ul-Moshaf.
Page 76Our knowledge on youth and early adolescence years of life of Rene Gannon is very limited as she was extremely introverted. Her realistic approach – one of her major and prominent personality traits – made her realize the hazards of subjectivism and individualism in modern world societies. That was probably also the reason why shegot inclined towards opposite approaches to a great extent. Gannon, at any rate, kept on refraining from speaking on her own. Ever since her death many books were written on her life and personality, but beyond doubt their authors, who were incapable of analyzing the various issues surrounding her life, were all mainly incapable of presenting a true image of her, and as a result all those books include major errors. This article is the text of a lecture by Martin Lings on Rene Gannon, presented in the fall of 994 at Prince Wales Center. Lings has in his address spoken on Gannon's life and intellectual and cultural interactions, which were important in shape taking of her thoughts and effective in the formation of her acquaintance